This association plays a major role in the maintenance of the CSUF Museum and in promoting the ideals of anthropology. Dr. Joseph Nevadomsky serves as the coordinator of this association.
The Society of Anthropology Mentors (SAM) was formed to create greater interaction between and among students at different levels of academic training. Ideally, "seniors" and graduate students should serve as mentors for freshman, sophomores, and juniors. However, there are several other combinations that are possible in relation to different expertise. Dr. Lori Sheeran is the Faculty Advisor for this group.
The ETA Chapter is a local chapter of a national organization of anthropology students who meet certain academic standards and who pay dues. It publishes a Lambda Alpha Newsletter & submits articles to the Lambda Alpha Journal of Man (a yearly journal published by the national office).
Visual Anthropology Club
The Visual Anthropology Club (VAC) is open to all students who are interested in visual representations and wish to learn more about their implications for anthropological research. Please contact Dr. Joseph Nevadomsky for more information.
Wildlife Conservation Group
The Wildlife Conservation Group (WCG) aims to promote an awareness of the need to protect our environment and wildlife. This group includes both majors and non-majors. Please contact Dr. Lori Sheeran for more information.
Society for Applied Anthropology
A new society. Please contact Dr. Mikel Garcia for more information.
Society of Ethno-Jornalism
Please contact Dr. Jacob Pandian for the scope and objectives of this group.